National Wage Case Decision Handed Down

The Fair Work Commission has today handed down its yearly National Wage Decision. Award Wages are to increase by 1.75%

This decision was slightly delayed this year due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  

National Minimum Wage increases by 1.75%

In its decision, the Commission has decided to increase the National Minimum wage by 1.75% to $19.84 per hour (or $13 per week).

Modern Award Rates Also Affected

This decision will flow on to Modern Award Pay Rates which will see an increase of 1.75%.  As a result of the economic conditions, the effective dates for these changes will depend on which Modern Award is applicable:

  • The first group of changes will include essential services and be effective 1 July 2020.  This includes Health Care, Social Assistance Workers, Teachers and Child Care Workers.
  • The second group will be effective on 1 November 2020 and will include Construction, Manufacturing and some other industries
  • Last last group will be the remaining industry sectors and the increase will be effective from 3 February 2021.  This group includes Accommodation and Food Services, Arts, Recreation, Aviation, Retail and Tourism.

We will keep you updated if any further information becomes available on the National Wage Case Decision

Need Assistance?

For more information on these Modern Award changes, please contact People Smartz Pty Ltd on:

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