Mental Health First Aid is Going Online

Over the last twelve months, we have been running our popular Mental Health First Aid Courses from several locations across Brisbane and Queensland. Now, because of the impacts of COVID-19, we will commence delivering Online Mental Health First Aid courses.

In these courses participants learn how to assist people who are experiencing mental health issues using a structured and researched/evidence based process. These courses provide valuable skills and knowledge transferable throughout our community and in businesses.

Mental Health First Aid Australia has been working hard for many weeks developing these courses for online delivery. Their hard work is now coming to fruition and People Smartz expects to be able to launch the first of these courses in May.

Expressing Interest in Attending a Course

If you would like to express your interest in attending a Blended Online Mental Health First Aid Course, contact us and we will let you know as soon as our course program is released

Questions regarding Online Mental Health First Aid Courses

We are currently working our through the implementation of these courses internally and will be announcing our program shortly. In the meantime – some information for you about these courses:

How The Courses Will Work?

These evidenced based courses will be conducted in two key blocks:
Block 1 – a self paced eLearning component which takes between 5-7 hours to complete; and,
Block 2 – an instructor lead component using video conferencing comprising 2 x 2.5 hour sessions

Will The Course Still Provide Accreditation Through Mental Health First Aid Australia?

Yes, after completing both blocks of training, you will be invited to complete the Mental Health First Aider exam for accreditation.

Will I receive a Statement of Completion after I finish both blocks of the Course?

Yes, once both blocks are completed, you will be issued with a Statement of Completion. You will also be invited to complete the exam for accreditation.

When will the online courses be available?

We are currently aiming to be programming the first instructor-led sessions approximately mid-May. As you will need to complete the e-learning component prior to this training, we hope the e-learning component will be available from Mental Health First Aid Australia in early May.

What will be the cost of an Online Mental Health First Aid Course (Community)

We expect the course to market at $220.00 inclusive of GST. This will comprise of two components – one for the e-learning block and the other for the instructor led block. Details on how payments will be made will be published once known.

Will there be different versions of the blended online courses?

Yes – there will be at least two different versions of the blended courses available from People Smartz. These include a Community based course and a Workplace based course. We will provide more detail about these courses over the coming weeks.

How will the instructor-led block of the course be delivered?

People Smartz will utilise the ZOOM Video Conferencing Package to deliver the courses to participants. We are currently working on how to assist you if you have difficulties accessing the training through this system

Will the course still be delivered face to face?

Face to face training presents the best method of delivery for this course with the interaction between participants and the instructor being invaluable. However, while restrictions regarding COVID-19 are in place, we are unable to present this course using this method.

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