Welcome to 2010 – and Modern Awards!

Happy New Year! Listening to the news last night here in Brisbane, the reports were on many new laws/changes being introduced in the new year.  Bus Fares were going up, politicians were going to be paid more etc. But there was not one mention of some of the most wide spread changes to the working lives of Australians.  Effective today, Australia’s new system of modern awards and the National Employment Standards (NES) will now govern the way businesses employ and manage their staff.

Over the past 6-8 months, I (and many others) have been seeking to raise awareness of these changes and urging businesses to prepare.

Today, the time for preparation is over – from today it is time to act……

If you haven’t already identified your new Modern Award, it is time to do it.

If you haven’t looked at the New Employment Standards (NES), it is time to do it.

If you haven’t already identified the changes to your employment practices that will need to be made, it is time to do it.

If you haven’t already put in place policies and procedures to protect your business, it is time to do it.

If you haven’t already ensured your employment agreements are consistent with the new laws, awards and standards, it is time to do it.

If you haven’t got appropriate processes in place to mitigate risk in areas such as harassment, discrimination, Health and Safety etc, it is time to do it.

If you haven’t got a engagement plan for the unions relevant to your business, it is time to do it.

If you haven’t got a plan for “good faith bargaining” and consulting with your staff, it is time to do it.

If you haven’t looked into how to introduce flexibility into your business through “individual flexibility agreements”, it is time to do it.

Not a bad list is it?  And this is only the start!

For more information, visit the members section of our website today!

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1800 HRSmartz (1800 477 627)
Tony Perkins: 0406 717 499
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