The Cost of Non Compliance

This will be a short blog entry but probably the most important you will read! Australia’s new IR Laws come with a kick.  If you are non compliant you can be fined and forced to pay back pay, credit accruals, pay additional superannuation guarantee payments and additional pay roll tax – and that is only the start of the list!

Here are some examples of the ramifications if your business is found to be non-compliant:

  • Non Compliance with Modern Award Conditions – a fine of $33,000 for a company for each breach plus the cost of back wages etc to the employee.
  • Non Compliance with National Employment Standards – a fine of $33,000 for a company for each breach plus the cost of making up the breach to the employee.
  • Avoidance of Employment Obligations (Sham Contracting) a fine of $33,000 for a company for each breach plus back taxes plus superannuation guarantee payments plus possible implications for payroll tax.
  • Unfair Dismissal – back wages if found to be an unfair dismissal plus possible superannuation to the employee.  in addition, legal costs and lost opportunity costs in regards to time and effort to defend the claim.  Cost = many 000’s of $$$.

The cost of being compliant is minimal compared to the costs of being caught out! 

Contact us today to arrange for a Free Compliance Assessment for your business.

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1800 HRSmartz (1800 477 627)
Tony Perkins: 0406 717 499
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