One of the things I am often saying to my clients is that it is better to have no one in a role than the wrong person.
Selecting the wrong person for a role can have a big effect on your business overall. If that person is managing others then the effect can be amplified!
Because of this, the recruitment and selection of the right people is a must for any business – regardless of the size.
Here are some things to think about when deciding who is right for your business:
- You are running a business, not an employment service for your relatives, friends etc. Unless they have the skills, attitude and competency for the role they should not be there!
- Make sure you understand the position – Sit down and work out what it is you want this person to do, what sort of attitudes you want them to bring to the business (and how well they will tie in with yours), what experience they are going to need etc.
- If you have good contacts in your industry, ask around – find out what the current package expectations are in the market, talk to them about people who may be available. Do your research – you might just find the right person, but if you don’t at least you will understand the expectations of the market.
- Think carefully about where you advertise, consider where your talent pool is going to come from. Consider areas such as Online (Seek, Career One), Local Job Network Centres and your own networks. There are also newspapers, recruitment agencies etc but these are generally expensive.
- Be realistic in your expectations – this is your business but remember that the applicants are not you – it is unlikely you will find someone that fits in the same mould as you.
- When interviewing, have your questions prepared so to test the candidate against your requirements.
- When interviewing ask yourself the following questions:
- Can I work with this person?
- Would I be happy with this person representing me and my business?
- Does this person have the demonstrated abilities that the business needs (note – what the business needs); and finally,
- How does he/she compare to the other candidates?
And finally, remember my first line – it is sometimes better to have no one in a position rather than the wrong person. If you can – keep recruiting until you find the right person! Otherwise, you may be doing it all again very soon anyway……
At People Smartz, we can assist you with the process of recruiting, either through our full recruitment service or by coaching you through the process – visit our recruitment page for more information.